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Counselling 4 Anxiety

Online and in-person Counsellor in Knightsbridge, Marylebone, Marble Arch & Central London

First for Care, Counselling & Community

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Health Anxiety Treatment
CBT for Anxiety: Pushing Through the Anxiety Curve | Counselling 4 Anxiety
One core tool in helping people with anxiety to reduce their phobias and fears, is to use exposure therapy which is a key tool that is used with CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). The two go hand in hand and have a greater efficacy and outcome for people with anxiety and phobias when used together. As […]
Health Anxiety Treatment
Understanding the Cycle of Anxiety and How to Get Better | Counselling 4 Anxiety
One of the maintenance factors for anxiety is when an individual does not fully go through the anxiety cycle and where their safety behaviour patterns kick in, such as avoidance behaviours, the suppression of thoughts and other safety seeking behaviours. We all know that avoidance, the suppression of thoughts and safety seeking behaviours just strengthen […]
Health Anxiety Treatment
Panic Attack and Anxiety Attack: Panic Attacks Do Not Mean a Life of Anticipation
'The fear of fear' is what one individual said to me. "All I do now is to fear the fear of panic and that is adding a whole load of anxiety to me, that I just don't need". For those who experience panic attacks, there is a real desire for many not to think about […]
anxiety and walking
How Hypnotherapy Can Help Manage Social Anxiety? – Counselling 4 Anxiety
Social anxiety affects many people and is very treatable through counselling and hypnotherapy. Allied with social anxiety are behaviours that include avoidance, stress that is sometimes felt in the shoulders, arms and back muscles and sensations such as blushing. Cognitive thoughts could include, “am I able to cope”, “this will be embarrassing” or “I cannot […]
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