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Counselling 4 Anxiety

Online and in-person Counsellor in Knightsbridge, Marylebone, Marble Arch & Central London

First for Care, Counselling & Community

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Seeking Reassurance to Cope with Anxiety Simply Re-Enforces Anxiety
"I really keep having to ask for re-assurance" said Ellie in the counselling session with me. "I just need that re-assurance and I need to know that things will be o.k. It helps to reduce the sharp anxiety that I feel about certain things", she went onto say. Ellie is not alone in wanting and […]
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Risk Scanning and Management OCD with Anxiety | Counselling 4 Anxiety
We know that anxiety conditions have a possible genetic and biological trait, as well as environmental and experiential factors. This 'tripod' of issues means that in some ways, there is real progress that can be made in treating anxiety conditions. The environmental and experiential factors can be adapted and changed and so hope is essential […]
Acute Feelings of OCD and Hyper Responsibility | Counselling 4 Anxiety
There are many triggers and underlying psychological factors that aggravate OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). One of them is feelings around heightened responsibility that people who have OCD feel, and who then attempt to take actions to meet this feeling of ultimate responsibility. For example, people with OCD feel that they can change catastrophic or difficult […]
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Anxiety Can Affect Us at This Time of Conflict Between Gaza and Israel
At this time, the crisis in the Middle East is affecting many communities in our country. Some people are glued to social media and their ‘X’ feeds, meaning that they are exposed to heightened partisanship, dehumanising statements and videos of young children and men and women bleeding and dying. The partisanship is driving some people […]
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