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Counselling 4 Anxiety

Online and in-person Counsellor in Knightsbridge, Marylebone, Marble Arch & Central London

First for Care, Counselling & Community


Brief History

I am a qualified counsellor and hypnotherapist and have been practising with a specialism in anxiety conditions, stress reduction and reducing the impact of phobias on people’s lives, (such as a fear of flying, taking exams and public speaking) and I also work with clients on stopping smoking and weight management.

My work within communities over the last 25 years, my belief in the human mind and spirit to overcome and the desire to see a better future for people who are struggling has brought me to this point in my life. To assist people in achieving better mental, physical and emotional health.

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What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective therapeutic approach that utilizes hypnosis to address various physical and mental health concerns. Hypnosis itself is a state of heightened focus and concentrated attention, and this is counter to the stereotypes around hypnotherapy which have developed over time. Some of these stereotypes around hypnotherapy have included tall tales of a therapist being able to ‘control’ clients or being able to get clients to do things which they would not. Much of this stereotyping around hypnotherapy is based on stage hypnosis which is not what is undertaken in an ethical, therapeutic and reputable practice. In fact, anyone attempting to try and ‘control’ a client should not be in practice and would be removed from an oversight membership and accreditation organisation.

So, during a hypnotherapy session, a qualified hypnotherapist guides you into this relaxed state, where you become more receptive to positive suggestions aimed at achieving your desired outcome. These positive suggestions will be discussed in summary at the start of your treatment plan with a hypnotherapist. They should also work with you so that you can input into a treatment plan and which is bespoke to your needs.

The Power of Suggestion in Hypnotherapy

In the hypnotic state, your critical thinking faculties and any cognitive (thought) resistances may gently fall away, allowing you work past or bypass negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs. This openness facilitates positive suggestions made by the hypnotherapist to take root. These suggestions can target specific areas like managing anxiety, reducing phobias, or changing unhealthy habits, such as smoking or over-eating. Hypnotherapy has also been shown to be effective in pain management and has been used in dental surgery work where patients may have a fear of needles so that local anaesthetics cannot be administered.

Benefits of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy offers a wide range of benefits for overall well-being. Here are some key benefits that it offers:

  • Reduced Anxiety and Stress: Hypnosis promotes deep relaxation, which can significantly decrease anxiety levels. It also helps identify the root causes of anxiety, enabling you to develop a range of coping mechanisms for future situations.
  • Pain Management: Hypnosis can be a powerful tool for managing chronic pain. By focusing attention away from the pain and fostering deep relaxation, hypnotherapy can significantly reduce pain perception. This is why it is used in dental surgery.
  • Improved Sleep: Hypnosis can help combat insomnia and promote better sleep quality. By inducing deep relaxation and addressing underlying causes of sleep disturbances, hypnotherapists can equip you with techniques for a restful night's sleep.
  • Habit Change: Breaking free from unwanted habits like smoking or overeating can be challenging. Hypnotherapy can enhance your motivation and willpower, making it easier to adopt new, positive behaviours.
  • Enhanced Focus and Concentration: Hypnotherapy can improve your ability to focus by training your mind to filter out distractions and enter a state of deep concentration. It is therefore particularly useful for people who have a fear of taking exams, an area that I work on.
  • Phobia and Fear Reduction: Hypnosis can be very effective in treating phobias and fears. By addressing the underlying anxieties associated with phobias and exposing you to them in a safe, controlled hypnotherapy environment, you can gradually overcome these fears. It is also important to mention that in alliance with hypnotherapy, a hypnotherapist will also provide psycho-educational information that helps to contextualise a condition, compartmentalise fears and provide optimism to people who may have struggled to see a better future for them.

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Why Hypnotherapy for Anxiety, Fears, and Phobias?

Hypnotherapy is particularly useful in countering anxiety, fears, and phobias due to its ability to address the root causes of these issues.

  • Reaching the Subconscious: Anxiety, fears, and phobias often stem from subconscious beliefs and experiences. Hypnosis allows access to the subconscious mind, enabling the hypnotherapist to identify the source of the problem and work with you on resolving it.

  • Reshaping Negative Associations: Phobias and fears are often linked to conditioned negative responses. Hypnotherapy helps create new, positive associations with the feared object or situation, thereby reducing the anxiety response.

  • Building Confidence: Phobias and anxieties can significantly impact self-confidence. Hypnotherapy empowers individuals to confront their fears in a safe environment, fostering a sense of control and boosting confidence. Part of the healing process is to boost a sense of personal confidence.

Questions and Answers About Hypnotherapy

Here are some commonly asked questions the public has about hypnotherapy:

Is hypnosis ‘mind control’?

No, hypnosis is not ‘mind control’. You remain in complete control during the session and can choose to accept or reject suggestions.

Can anyone be hypnotized?

Most people can experience hypnosis with varying degrees of depth. However, part of the work of a therapist is to assess whether you can enter into hypnosis very early on in the process and probably in the first or second session.

Will I lose consciousness during hypnosis?

No, you will not lose consciousness. Hypnosis is a state of heightened awareness and focused concentration.

Is hypnotherapy safe?

When practiced by a qualified hypnotherapist, hypnotherapy is a safe and effective therapeutic approach.

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions varies depending on your specific needs and goals. Each individual should have a bespoke treatment plan developed by the hypnotherapist which should outline the number of sessions very early on in the assessment process.

What does a hypnotherapy session look like?

A typical session involves a discussion about your goals, reviewal of the treatment plan, followed by guided hypnosis and positive suggestions. Some of the core stages of work in hypnotherapy have been listed below so that you can become aware of the terminologies that are used.

Induction: This initial stage focuses on relaxation and guiding the client into a hypnotic state. The hypnotherapist might use techniques like progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, or focused breathing to help the client achieve a deep state of concentration.

Deepening: Once the client is relaxed and receptive, the hypnotherapist might employ further techniques to deepen the hypnotic state. This isn't always necessary, but it can enhance the focus and openness to suggestion.

Suggestions: This is the core stage of the work where the hypnotherapist introduces positive suggestions aimed at addressing the client's specific goals and needs. These suggestions can target subconscious thoughts, behaviors, or emotional responses.

Emergence: The final stage gently brings the client out of the hypnotic state. The hypnotherapist will ensure the client feels refreshed and alert and may also discuss the experience and any positive changes experienced.

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Ethical Considerations in Hypnotherapy

The foundation of successful hypnotherapy lies in a strong therapeutic relationship built on trust and respect. To ensure this, hypnotherapists adhere to a strict code of ethics that prioritizes client safety, autonomy, and well-being. Here are some key ethical elements:

Informed Consent:

Before commencing any hypnotherapy session, the hypnotherapist must obtain informed consent from the client. This involves explaining the process of hypnosis, the potential benefits and risks, and the client's right to withdraw from the session at any point. 

Client-Centered Approach:

As mentioned earlier, hypnotherapy is a client-centered endeavor. The hypnotherapist tailors suggestions based on the client's goals, values, and beliefs. The client's right to reject any suggestion that feels uncomfortable or goes against their morals is paramount.


All information shared during hypnotherapy sessions is considered strictly confidential. Exceptions may exist only in legally mandated situations, such as potential harm to oneself or others. However, these exceptions should be clearly communicated to the client beforehand as part of the informed consent process.

Dual Relationships:

Hypnotherapists must avoid any dual relationships with clients that could compromise professional objectivity. This includes romantic or social relationships, business partnerships, or any situation that could create a power imbalance.

Continual Professional Development:

Hypnotherapists have a responsibility to stay current with the latest research and advancements in the field. They should actively engage in continuing professional development to ensure they are using the most effective and evidence-based practices.

Scope of Practice:

Hypnotherapists should be aware of the limitations of their training and expertise. When a client presents with issues beyond the scope of hypnotherapy, the therapist should refer them to a qualified mental health professional who can provide the appropriate treatment.

Respect for Diversity:

Hypnotherapists must treat all clients with respect and dignity, regardless of their background, beliefs, or experiences. This includes avoiding any discriminatory practices or suggestions based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other protected characteristic.

By adhering to these ethical principles, hypnotherapists create a safe and supportive environment where clients feel empowered to make positive changes in their lives. This fosters trust and strengthens the therapeutic alliance, ultimately leading to better outcomes.

Get in Touch

Feel free to contact me via the form below or on 0208 906 6877 if you have any questions about how therapy works, or to arrange an initial assessment appointment.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

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