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Counselling 4 Anxiety

Online and in-person Counsellor in Knightsbridge, Marylebone, Marble Arch & Central London

First for Care, Counselling & Community

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Cognitive Defusion Techniques – a Tool for Better Moods and Well-Being
You may have heard of the word ‘cognitive defusion’ or come across it when reading something. Or someone may have used the term ‘cognitive defusion’ in a conversation because mental health is increasingly becoming a topic of real interest for many people. The term comes from the third wave of Cognitive Behavioural therapies and Acceptance […]
counsellor in London
Counselling For Post Traumatic Stress Can Be Effective? – Counselling 4 Anxiety
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a disorder that is caused by internal bodily and emotional reactions to stress situations which seem overwhelming for an individual. The threshold of what seems 'overwhelming' is different for each person and depends on a range of factors, including their biochemical make-up, their experiential history, their genetics and […]
cognitive distortions in anxiety
Social Anxiety Disorder Cannot be Underestimated in Its Impact on Lives
People with social anxiety can really benefit from counselling and therapy with the right therapist; someone that they can feel connected to and who empathises, supports, informs and accepts. Social anxiety affects people in a wide variety of ways. Firstly, it affects the confidence of the individual involved, and its affects their belief that they […]
How Storytelling Affects The Brain & The Narrative We Tell Ourselves Impacts on our Daily Mood
Something so simple as the stories, the beliefs and the narratives that we tell ourselves, have a crucial part to play in affecting our moods on a long term basis. So, if I was to ask you how many times you say self-critical things to yourself, would you say that it is a regular occurrence […]
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